Owner Information
Being an investor, you want to be confident that you are getting the best possible return for your property, as well as the assurance that your property is being properly cared for. Every owner has a different reason for letting a property, therefore every property has different needs. That’s why at Clever Property we provide a full range of services which are personalized to tailor your needs & expectations. Clever Property will look after your property the way we look after our own. Using experience & skill, professional contacts and the latest technology resources, we deliver in finding quality tenants & in-turn minimise vacancies. Our team is efficient and cost-effective when it comes to handling marketing, organising any repairs & maintenance or accounting/legal compliance.

Quality Customer Care
We understand owners deserve excellent service. Our experienced team of professionals have undergone extensive training to ensure you get the best service always. We utilise cloud-based technology, meaning information is at your fingertips, this allows us to operate efficiently & effectively for you. Our team is professional, friendly and approachable – pop into our office on the lovely Noosa River, we would love to say hi!

Your Expectations
We will listen to your requirements & we will follow through with all of your queries. Real Estate is very much a people business. We strive to build strong relationships with our clients. We are always here to offer advice. Clever Property stays up to date with legislation and communicate our thorough local & industry knowledge with owners & tenants.
Property Me
Clever Property utilise Property Me – a cloud-based website which gives you the information you want to know about your property (all you need is a WIFI connection). Being cloud based means that Property Me is accessed online from anywhere, and securely gives you access key details about your investment properties. Information at your fingertip, such as inspections reports, financial information on all properties, current maintenance repairs or any relevant documentation such as invoices or compliance notices.
Regular Appraisals
Regular rental price reviews are conducted as part of the lease renewal process. Therefore, your investment property is re-valued against the current rental market every six-twelve months. Our team are actively comparing rent prices against the current market to ensure you are receiving the best rental return for your investment.
Clever Property will conduct four routine inspections every year, on every property. Our dedicated Property Managers conduct these inspections through the PropertyMe app. Inspections provide a comprehensive review on how the tenant is looking after your investment property, preventative maintenance issues as well as immediate maintenance required. Inspection reports are available online for you via PropertyMe on the same-day the inspection was conducted.
Other Services
We also offer owners a broad range of property services, including handling the payment of council rates, body corporate fees, unity water charges and electricity bills and compliance issues such as pool safety, smoke alarms, corded indoor window coverings.
We offer a simple, yet competitive management fee structure. To discuss please call us on 07 5473 0508.
Maintenance on a rental property is inevitable. Things break or stop working. We offer the most cost effective solutions that benefit both tenant & owner, and always discuss with you before any action. Should any property or tenancy issues arise, our team have a strict policies and turnaround times to ensure these are dealt with promptly and in-line with the contractual agreement.
Is your home ready for renting?
Ensuring that your property is safe for living is mandatory under legislation. This includes electrical & building inspections, pool safety compliance, gas compliance, safety switches & smoke alarms. Our property managers will point you in the right direction to ensure you property is ready for rental. We have excellent contacts in the trade industry that can help you.
How much will it cost to rent my property through a property manager?
Our managing fees are a commission calculated as a percentage of the weekly property rental figure + a small disbursement fee twice monthly to cover administration cost.
Why should I choose a property manager?
The services that a property manager provides can be worth far more the fee. Renting a property requires a lot of work and a high level of commitment, which many property owners don’t have the time or the inclination to put in. A clever property manager will handle all the headaches and downsides of renting for you, making life potentially much easier.
How often will inspections be done on my property?
Clever Property ensures your property is inspected four times a year. This is detailed in your contract when we are assigned as your agency and it is a procedure that we undertake with care and diligence.