Tenant Information
At Clever Property, we look after our tenants as valued customers. We care about the property you are renting and we care about you. We aim to provide you with a quality service that takes the hassle out of applying for and living in a rental property. We want tenants who will care for our rentals properties just as much as they would about their own home.
Office hours
For enquiries and advice
8:30am – 4:30pm
Monday to Friday

Viewing & Applying for a Property
Many of our properties are open for inspection for your convenience at a scheduled time on weekends. We can also conduct individual inspections by appointment. Have you seen a property you would like to view? Give us a call, and arrange a time to view the property. You will need to download and complete our Application for Tenancy form. Ensure you complete all pages from this form and provide 100 point identification criteria. Applications are accepted via email pm@cleverproperty.com.au or in-person. Our office is located at 8 Thomas Street, Noosaville & is open from 8:30am to 4:30pm Monday to Friday. Applications will be processed within 48 hours & you will be advised of progress.
Approval for a property
Once approved for a property, a copy of the general tenancy agreement with any standard/special terms & conditions will be provided. This agreement must be understood so if you do have any questions, please ensure you ask. We will arrange a time for you to come into our offices and sign the agreement along with bond lodgement forms. Once the forms are signed we can then schedule a move-in date. Before you move in, you’ll have to organise your electricity provider as well as phone & internet connections… and any other services you require. These are your responsibility.
Move-In Date
Keys are to be collected from our office on provided date. An Entry Condition Report details the condition of the property prior to you moving in. A copy of this report is provided & it is important that you take the time to note anything you feel we may have missed. A signed copy must be returned to our office within three calendar days of moving-in. If we do not receive your signed copy in the time allowed, the original report will be the accepted version for use of at the end of your tenancy. It is in your best interest to ensure that the Report provides an accurate description of the property’s current condition.
Paying Rent
Rent is always due in advance. Details on how to pay rent is in accordance with the terms of your tenancy agreement. If you are unsure, please contact us immediately. Current legislation obliges us to follow strict procedures when it comes to rent arrears and we do. We have a zero-tolerance policy to rental arrears & action will be followed immediately in the unfortunate case that rent has not be received.
Inspections are conducted every 3 months and you will be notified 7-10 days prior to any inspections. Inspections allow us to ascertain the condition of the property and identify any necessary maintenance. They also provide you with the opportunity to advise us of anything you feel requires our attention. We also carry out periodic drive-by inspections.
Repairs & Maintenance
For general repairs and maintenance, please contact our team via the maintenance form or email pm@cleverproperty.com.au. Provide details of the problem & attach any relevant photos. We will need all requests in writing. There will be times that we must obtain the Landlord’s approval before work can commence, the plan is to get the job done as quickly as possible.
Emergency Repairs
If you do have an emergency situation that need addressing, please contact our team immediately. Emergency contact numbers: 0419 746 374 / 0459 990 505
(1) Emergency repairs are works needed to repair any of the following –
- a burst water service or serious water service leak;
- a blocked or broken lavatory system;
- a serious roof leak;
- a gas leak;
- a dangerous electrical fault;
- flooding or serious flood damage;
- serious storm, fire or impact damage;
- a failure or breakdown of the gas, electricity or water supply to the premises;
- a failure or breakdown of an essential service or appliance on the premises for hot water, cooking or heating;
- a fault or damage that makes the premises unsafe or insecure;
- a fault or damage likely to injure a person, damage property or unduly inconvenience a resident of the premises;
- a serious fault in a staircase, lift or other common area of the premises that unduly inconveniences a resident in gaining access to, or using, the premises.
Can I bring in other tenants to help pay rent?
The only people who are lawfully able to occupy the property you are renting, are those named in the tenancy agreement. You are not able to sub-let the premises without written consent from the owner. If you wish to move out and a friend or other occupier wishes to stay in the property, we will require a new tenancy agreement with updated application forms and references. Under these circumstances a letting fee may be charged.
I would like to rent a property, but do not have a job. Will this make it hard for me to rent?
When you rent a property, the major requirement is that you are able to prove you can meet your rent payments and pay the initial bond – this is usually equivalent to four weeks’ rent.
If you have a considerable amount of savings, this may not be an issue – although you may be at a disadvantage if you cannot show a source of income. If you are receiving assistance from another source – such as Centrelink payments – you should provide verification of this.
What will happen if I break my lease?
A notice of intention to leave and break lease agreement needs to be returned to the office. The following fees are applicable; 1 week rent + GST, advertising fee & you would also need to continue paying rent until a new tenant is located and enters into a new lease agreement.
You and the agent are both able to actively seek a new tenant – but this individual must complete all normal processes and checks before they are approved. It is essential that you not leave the property without notifying your owner or agent – this will likely result in the loss of your bond and could also create a bad rental history record, which may make it more difficult for you to rent again in the future.
Do I have to pay for water?
Yes, you must pay the usage if the property is water compliant. The more conservative you are, the less water you will use. The owner pays the connection and sewerage fee.
What should I do if I am temporarily unable to pay my rent?
It is essential for you to contact us immediately.
Ignoring the problem will not make it go away – communication is essential in these circumstances and it is important for you to continue to keep us informed of your circumstances. Current legislation obliges us to follow strict procedures when it comes to rent arrears and we do. We have a zero-tolerance policy to rental arrears & action will be followed immediately in the unfortunate case that rent has not be received.
What happens if the owners of the property I am renting decide to sell?
There are a number of different scenarios that can occur if the owner decides to sell – these can depend on the expiry and terms of your lease agreement.
For example, if you are within the term of your lease agreement and the property is sold to another investor, you continue to have your rights to the property as a tenant when the new owner assumes the responsibility as your landlord. If the property is sold to someone who wishes to live there, you will be given notice to vacate – this will usually give you plenty of time to arrange your next property.
As an existing tenant, Clever Property is perfectly-placed to help you find another rental property that suits your budget and preferences.
How do I arrange any repairs that might be needed?
Should you require any maintenance at the property, please lodge a maintenance request using the Maintenance Form or send an email with photo to rentals@dupbox4.websitetesting.co
Am I allowed to put up picture hooks?
Before you make any alternations or additions to your rental property – including picture hooks – you should contact Clever Property directly. It is wise to do this in writing, specifying exactly where you want the picture hooks to be placed.
Does the property come with any insurance?
While you are a tenant in a rented property, you are responsible for insuring your personal property. We would advise you to take out a home contents insurance policy during your tenancy. Landlords do not have any obligations to insure your personal items.